Jeffrey Deans

Save & Invest Corona Virus Update Following the statements tonight from the Prime Minister and First Minister, none of our offices will be staffed, with immediate effect.

Clearly this is a very serious step but Save & Invest will continue to function well in all key areas and have long had the technology to work remotely.

We will continue to monitor markets and funds and are briefed daily by asset managers, by email and online conferences. Similarly, we can still transact any agreed advice for clients.

We are continuing to carry out our reviews to their normal schedule but we will now issue a short review valuation document by email and carry out the review by phone, as our normal process is not appropriate in these highly abnormal times.

As the office is now unmanned, in compliance with the government requirements, we will no longer post documents and access to our buildings for postal services is uncertain. Therefore, if you do post us anything, please email or phone us first so we are aware of this.

Our advice remains to make no portfolio changes in these turbulent times, look to the longer term and speak with your adviser, whenever you wish. If you take regular withdrawals from your portfolio you may wish to speak wth your adviser to determine the appropriate level for the short term
As our phones will be diverted to one of our team it may be difficult for your call to be answered normally, so where possible please either email your adviser directly or email and we will call you back.

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portfolio or pension plan?

Let us check your portfolio free of charge. 

Email us to find out how to provide us details of your current portfolio securely or call us.

Our switchboard 0141 332 8088 is being diverted and answered remotely in normal office hours, while the majority of our team continues to work from home.
Please email us on with general information on yourself and your portfolio.